How to Create a Sales Contract?

Updated on February 20, 2017 09:00PM by Admin

A Sales Contract is a legal binding agreement concerning the sales and delivery of goods between the seller and buyer.

For instance: Consider you are running a hardware company and you would like to buy some of the hardware components for a period of two years from a seller. In this case, a sales contract can be created between the buyer (you) and the seller.

Steps to Create Sales Contract

  1. Access Contracts App.
  2. Click on “Create” -> “Sales Contract”.
    create sales contract
  3. In the Create Sales Contract page, fill in the necessary details:
    • Name - Enter the Name.
    • Status - Select the status as Draft.
    • Item section - Choose the required components and enter the quantity.
    • Terms & Renewal - Enter the initial term. Based on the initial term, the Renewal Date will be calculated from the Effective Date.
      click on create
  4. Click on “Create”.
  5. The contract will be successfully created.
    contract created

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