How do I Get Email Alerts when a lead is updated by my employees?

Updated on December 27, 2022 02:06AM by Admin

When a lead expresses an interest in your product or services through an email the employee to whom the lead was assigned gets an email alert. Let's go through the steps to set email alerts in Apptivo Leads App.

Steps to Set Email Alerts in Leads App:

  • Select Notifications from the top right corner of the dashboard from the More(...) icon.
Leads - Notifications
  • Under leads notifications, news feeds and email feeds column is shown.
    • News Feed: The notification will be shown under the Newsfeed.
    • Email Feed: The notification will be sent to the respective user's mail address.
  • Enable the email feed of the Lead Updated event by Sliding On the Toggle.
  • In case of looking for email alerts for other events, enable the corresponding News Feed or Email Feed toggle.
Leads - Email Alert Final SS
  • It automatically saves the change made in the toggle button.
  • Therefore, any of the events happened. The email will be sent to the user. Here, whenever the lead is updated, the alert email will be received as shown below:
Leads - Email Alert Received Mail