How to create a task with Estimated Hours in the Tasks app?

Updated on January 5, 2023 08:56PM by Admin

Using Apptivo’s tasks app, you could create tasks with automated estimated hours based on the start and end dates. By this, you could set a timeline for the tasks of your employees. So that, each one of your employees works in an organized manner. You could set the estimated hours in two ways:

Steps to Add Estimated Time to Tasks:

  • Log in to your Apptivo account.
  • Click on the Tasks tab from the left navigation panel.
Home - Tasks tab
  • Click on the Create button.
Home - Task Create
  • You can define the estimated hours manually, where based on the provided Start Date and Estimated hours, the end date will be given automatically Or by defining the Start and End Date of the tasks, the Estimated hours will be fetched automatically.
Home - Task Created