How do I Create a New Lead Source?

Updated on October 29, 2020 07:08AM by Admin

  • Lead Source - Lead source in Apptivo CRM is defined as the primary source through which a lead is gathered. For instance, Trade Show or Expo, Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
  • Lead Channel - The method that they used to get in touch with your firm is known as Lead Channel.

Steps to Create a New Lead Source

  • Login and access the Leads app from the universal menu.
  • Click on the More(...) icon and select the Settings.
  • In the Settings page, click on the Leads and select the Lead Sources.
  • You can view the existing list of leads sources.
  • Click on the create button.
Leads Source
  • You can view the Create Lead Source Popup.
  • Enter the Name of the lead source.
  • Add the email id of the employee in Notify Email id so that the email will get sent to the employee whenever a new lead is created with these lead sources.
  • Add the Description of the lead source for your reference and click on the Create button.
Notify Email
  • You can view the created lead source in the List.
Source Created
  • You can change the arrangement of the lead sources by drag and drop method. 

  • You can update the created lead source by clicking on the "Edit" icon.
  • Here, the email id for the Trade show is updated with the employee email address.
Email Update
  • Now, a lead is created with Trade Show as the Lead Source. 

Leads Created
  • The employee will get an email notification to the email address added to the lead source.
Email Notification
  • You can disable the Lead Source if it is not required for your business.
  • Here, the Word of Mouth is disabled. You can not view the word of mouth in the Lead Source at the time of creating the Leads.
Not visible