How do I create a lead source while creating a lead?

Updated on May 23, 2017 07:13PM by Admin

The lead source is an invaluable piece of data that a marketing team should collect. The primary source from where the lead came from is known as the lead source.

A common mistake that most of us make when it comes to source type is that, we mention the method  used to get in touch with the organization. For instance, if a prospect made an inbound call to get information about your products/services, that should be mentioned as lead type or lead channel and not lead source.

A lead source options could be
  • Trade Shows
  • Campaigns
  • Newspaper Ads
  • Forums
  • Digital Ads (social media)
  • Word of Mouth
  • Seminar
  • Direct Mail
Apptivo Leads app allows you to create new lead sources to classify the source of the lead. You can create new lead sources using Add new option.

Steps to create lead source

  1. Log in and access Leads App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on “Create” button from left navigation panel.
    Create Lead
  3. You can view “Lead Source” field in “Lead Information” as shown in the image below:
    Lead Source
  4. Click “Add New" to create new lead source from “Lead Information”.
    Add New Source
  5. Enter "Name", "Notify Email ID" and "Description" to create new lead source.
    Create Source
  6. Click on "Create" button to complete.
  7. You can view the created lead source as shown in the image below:
    New source
  8. You can also view the created lead source through Leads App -> Settings -> Lead Sources

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