How Can I Customize Feedback Email Templates?

Updated on November 28, 2016 01:50AM by Admin

Email Feedback Templates

The email marketing feedback helps in growing your business, by getting subjective feedback that is incredibly vital and email is an awesome approach to do it.
FeedBack refers to helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product etc.

Our email feedback templates adhere to a straightforward, centered design that constantly improves your business development and service.

You can use your own specific email marketing feedbacks or pick one of the numerous themed email feedbacks, offered by us.

Pick your email feedback, include your required message and send your email marketing feedbacks in no time.

Steps to Customize Email Feedback Templates

  1. Log in and access Campaigns App from universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on “More(...)” icon and select “Settings” located in the app header bar.
    campaigns settings
  3. Select “Email” drop down and then click on “Email Templates” from the left navigation panel.
    select email templates
  4. Making an email marketing feedback from Advanced Template, is the technique using which email themes can be embedded in the layout before making it. So, select "Advanced Template" under "Create".
    select advanced template
  5. Select a feedback of your choice and click on Next.
    select preferred email feedback theme
  6. The selected feedback theme will be displayed in the body of the template. There are options to edit, reorder, duplicate and remove the header, footer and body sections, where you can
    • Insert attributes and images
    • Insert unsubscribe link
    • Insert social media buttons etc.
      feedback theme in template body
  7. For instance: Consider the following email feedback, which we are going to customize it for a mobile marketing feedback. 
    • Header section - To do so, click on the Edit icon present in that section.
      edit feedback header section
      1. Here, to insert your business logo and name, click on the logo and then click browse under “Inspector” tab.
        insert logo in feedback
    • Body section - here, you can give a detailed description of the email feedback template by inserting images if needed;
      1. To insert images, drag and drop the "images" icon. Click on the image and then click browse under "Inspector" tab.
        drag and drop image
    • Footer section - the unsubscribe link can be added here in this section along with social media buttons to share your email feedback with the goal of reaching a wider group of onlookers.
      unsub link in footer
  8. Once done, you can preview the created email feedback, by clicking on “Preview” button.
    preview feedback
  9. Finally, click on “Create” to complete.
    click on create