Difference between Save For Later & Email Invoice in the Invoice Creation Page?

Updated on March 16, 2018 12:48AM by Admin

While creating invoices, there will be two options at the bottom of the page -
  1. Save For Later
  2. Email Invoice

The following example would help you understand better. Here we go.
create invoice

Email Invoice

When you click on “Email Invoice”, the created invoice will be sent to the customer successfully.
email invoice

  • The status will be "Sent".
    sent status
  • Once the invoice is sent, it can be viewed under "By Status" -> "Sent".
    view sent invoice

Save For Later

Now, when you click on “Save For Later”, the created invoice will be saved and you will be directed to the Overview page of the invoice.

  • From here, you can send the invoice accordingly.
  • The status of the invoice will be “Saved”, until you Send it or mark it as paid.
    saved status
  • Once an invoice is saved, it can be viewed under "By Status" -> "Drafts".
    view saved invoice