How do I Export My Candidates to a Excel List?

Updated on January 17, 2017 10:33PM by Admin

Candidates App allows you to export candidates into a spreadsheet, additionally, you can also export the current fields and also with all fields.

Steps to Export Candidates

  1. Log in and access candidates App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on "Lists" drop down and select “Show All” from the left navigation panel.
  3. Select candidates you would like to export.
  4. If you want to export the candidates with current viewing fields, click on "Bulk Actions" -> "Export" -> "Xls" -> "All Fields".
  5. You can view the result as shown in the image below:
  6. If you want to export the candidates with all fields, click on "Bulk Actions" -> "Export" -> "Xls" -> "All fields".
  7. You can view the result as shown in the image below: