How to create recurring tasks in Apptivo?

Updated on June 16, 2020 04:30AM by Admin

Tasks Activity in Apptivo allows you to create tasks for Employees. An organization may have tasks which should be done periodically. You might need to be notified if a task is recurring. In those cases, the Tasks app enables you to set the recurring feature.

  • Go to Tasks App in Apptivo and select create to create a new task.
Tasks App

  • In the Create Task page, add the information associated with the task like the name, description, and duration of the task.
Create Task

  • On scrolling down the Create Task page, you can see a toggle button called Repeat. Enable Repeat to configure the recurring feature.

  • Once the toggle is enabled, you will be navigated to the Repeat popup. Here, you can set the recurring period.
Repeat Popup

Repeat - You can use this feature to set the repeats to be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.

Customize Repeats

Repeat On: Based on the repeat duration, you can set the task to repeat every day, week, month, or year.

Repeat On

Ends: In the Repeat tab, you can set when the recurring of a particular task ends.

  • If the task is to repeat forever, you can set it as never.
  • If the task is to repeat for a particular number of times, you can see the number of occurrences.
  • If the recurring of a task has to end after a particular date, you can set the date.
End Period

  • Since the repeat duration is weekly, the configuration is modified to repeat the task every Thursday for 5 occurrences.
Weekly Repeat

  • Once the repeat is saved and the task is created, you can see the repeat is enabled. You can click on modify to edit it.
Task Created

  • Moving forward, a task ‘Weekly Review’ will be created for five consecutive Thursdays.

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