How to create a template for Timesheet in Timesheets App?

Updated on February 19, 2020 01:53AM by Admin

You can clock in the man-hours using the Timesheets App. Keep track of the productive hours of Employees using Timesheets. Instead of designing a new Timesheet every time, you can simply create templates and use them.

  • Go to Settings in the Timesheets App and select Timesheet Templates.

  • Select Create to create a new Timesheet template. In the Create Timesheet Template page, add a name for the Template.
  • You can also add the task name and the service hours. Once the details are added, select create to create a new template.
Create Timesheet Template

  • You can see a new template is created.
Template Created

  • Now, navigate to the Home page in the Timesheets App. Select Create from Timesheet Template.
Home Page

  • You will be redirected to Create From Template page. Here, you can select the template name from the dropdown.
Create From Template

  • On selecting a template, the task information will be pulled automatically.

  • If any additional changes are required, you can make modifications to it. On completion, you can create and submit the timesheet for approval.