How to create an approval reminder in the Ideas app?

Updated on February 19, 2020 10:33PM by Admin

Ideas App in Apptivo is a well-defined platform to develop your Ideas. A project comes into force only after going through multiple ideas. An organization has multiple Employees and every thought counts. To maintain a database on the available ideas and to develop them, Apptivo has the Ideas App. You can create approval reminders using the App.

  • Go to Settings → Work Flow → Approval Reminders. You can see the Approval Reminder section in the left panel. Select Create to create a new reminder.

  • You will be notified with a Create Reminder popup. Here, add the required information.
Create Reminder

Reminder After Submission: You can decide on the duration after which a reminder has to generate for approval.

Reminder After Submission
  • Here, I have set the reminder as 10 Minutes.

Message Template: In the Message Template, you can choose an Email template for the reminder.

Message Template

Note: The email template is designed from Settings → Email → Email Templates.

  • You can also enable the toggle to have the reminder in use. If you do not want this reminder to be active, you can disable the toggle.

Escalate to Approver’s Manager: By enabling this toggle, the idea created will be escalated to the Manager of the Approver. The Manager can also approve the idea.

Escalate to Approver’s Manager
  • On selecting Create, a new reminder is created. You can perform other actions like edit, delete or disable the feature from the List view.
List view

  • Create an Idea and submit it for approval.

  • An email will be sent as per the approval flow. If there is no response after 10 minutes, another email will be generated as a reminder.

  • As escalation to Approver’s manager is enabled, an email will be sent to the Manager as well letting them know that the Idea is yet to be approved.

Approver Manager