What is create flow in Timesheets App?

Updated on February 19, 2020 10:44PM by Admin

Timesheets App in Apptivo allows you to decide how a Timesheet can be created. Apptivo provides a number of options from which Timesheets can be created.

By default, you can perform the following operations:

  • Create New Timesheet
  • Create From Another Timesheet
  • Create From Timesheet Template
  • Create From Project
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You can restrict what type of Timesheet can be created using the Create Flow section of Timesheets App.

For Instance: Consider disabling Create Timesheet from Project from the Create section.

  • Go to Settings → Timesheets → Create Flow.
  • In the Create Flow page, you can see the different methods to create Timesheets enabled.
Create Flow

  • Disable ‘Create Timesheet from Project’ method.
Timesheet from Project

  • You can see Create Timesheet from the Project method is disabled.
  • Now, select the Create button from the left navigation panel of the Timesheets App. The method to create Timesheet from Project is disabled.
