How to associate Invoices in the Kit Orders App?

Updated on March 2, 2020 01:58AM by Admin

Invoices are an integral part of any Organization. Having the ability to associate Invoices in the Kit Orders App is available in Apptivo. You can easily associate the Invoices with Kit Orders.

Before associating the objects for Kit Orders, you have to configure it from the Settings page of the Kit Orders App.

  • Go to Settings → Kit Orders → Associated Objects. Here, you can enable the Associated Object feature.
  • You can enable the app with which Kit Orders app has to be associated.

For Instance: Consider creating a new Kit Order in the Kit Orders App.

Kit Orders

Associating Invoices

Associating Invoices with Kit Orders is made possible using the Convert feature of the Kit Orders App.

  • Select the record for conversion. Navigate to the Overview page and select Convert → To Invoice.
To Invoice

  • You will be redirected to the Create Invoice page. Add the necessary information and select Create to create a new invoice for the Kit Order.
Create Invoice

  • A new invoice will be generated. On creation, go to the Kit Orders App and open the record which was initially converted to Invoice.
Invoice Associated

  • You can see the Invoice is associated with the Kit Order.