How to create an account type in Assets in Ledger App?

Updated on March 16, 2020 06:52AM by Admin

Any business involves the presence of different accounts. Businesses prefer having multiple account types to maintain their transaction smoothly. Ledger App in Apptivo permits you to create different account types for the Journal.

By default, Ledger App in Apptivo offers five types of accounts. They are

  1. Assets
  2. Liability
  3. Equity
  4. Revenue
  5. Expenses

These are the account types employed in different businesses. You can add sub-accounts in these account types.

  • Go to Settings → Ledger → Account Types. Select Create to create a new sub-account type for a particular account in Ledger App. Here, Assets.

  • In the Create Account Type Side Panel, add a name for the account type. Along with this, add the starting and ending numbers for the account.
Create Account Type

  • Any account that falls within this number series will be denoted as the created Account type.
  • Keep the Enable toggle ON to list the account type for use. Along with this, you can ‘upload Logo’ for this account type.
Upload Logo

  • Once the information is added for the Account Type, select Create. The account type is added to the main account → Assets.
Sub Account

  • You can also select the (+) icon to add a sub-account type for the created account.
Setting Sub Account
  • This account type can be used while creating accounts in the Ledger App.