How to send an email as an action to the attendees when an Event is created?

Updated on March 25, 2020 04:57AM by Admin

Calendar Activity in Apptivo permits you to create events. In the events, you can include more than one attendees. To keep everyone well informed, you can send an email to all the attendees of an event. This can be achieved using the Triggers feature.

You can make use of the Event-Based triggers to send an email to the attendees when an event is created.

Event-Based Trigger

  • Go to Settings → Calendar→ Triggers → Event based. Here, select create from the right pane to create a new trigger.

  • You will be re-directed to the Create Trigger page. Add a name for the trigger.
  • The trigger is enabled by default. You can disable it when the trigger is not needed. Since the event is to perform an action when an Appointment is created, the event chosen here is Appointment Created.
Create Trigger

  • In the Criteria section, you can set the condition during which the trigger must work. Here, the condition configured is to generate an email when the attendee is Nadia James.
  • Once the criteria are set, select Add in Actions. Here, select Send Email.

  • Setting this action sends an email to the recipient when the criteria are met in the event.
  • In the From Address section, you can choose either static or dynamic email addresses.
Static From Address

Static Email: You can enter a default email address here.

Dynamic Email: You can choose the email address from the list of employees or from an attribute.

Dynamic From Address
  • Here, Employee’s email address is chosen as the From Address. Then, the Email Template is added.
  • Once this is completed, you have to decide on to whom an email is to be sent. Since the email is to be sent to Attendees, the trigger is set to Attendee → Employee. Once the settings are customized, select Create.
Trigger Created

  • Create an event in the Calendar Activity with the attendee as Nadia James.
Create Event

  • As soon as the event is created, an email is generated to Nadia James since the criteria match.