What is Auto shipment in Apptivo?

Updated on April 15, 2020 06:49AM by Admin

Auto shipment in Apptivo helps you to automate the process of shipment while creating the order. It helps you to reduce the manual interference to complete the shipment process for an order. In addition, auto shipment is mainly used for the customers who place the orders on a regular basis for an item at certain intervals.

Let's consider, Hannah wants to create an Auto shipment for a customer those who place for a particular item on a regular basis. So that once the Order is created by the sales representative, the order will automatically be shipped. That order automatically goes to the shipment team for further processing to deliver the item to the customer.

Steps to create an item with Auto shipment toggle on

  • Login and access the Items app from the Universal Menu.
  • Click on the Create button.
  • Fill the Mandatory field and create an item.
Item Created
  • Then, click on the E-Commerce tab.
E-Commerce Tab
  • Enable the Auto shipped Toggle.
Auto Shipped Toggle
  • Then, go to the Supply Chain → Orders App. Click on the Create order.
Orders App
  • In the Create Order Page, add the Customer to whom you want to place the order.
Create Orders Page
  • Scroll down to view the Products/Items. In the Items Name click on the search icon.
Products - item
  • Search the item that is created with the Auto shipped Toggle on.
Search Item
  • Enter the Quantity and click on the create button at the bottom of the page.
Create Button
  • Once the Order is created, the order status will be changed to the Order closed.
Order Created
  • This Order automatically shipped and the order will get closed automatically.
  • You can view this order in the Shipped Orders.
Status Changed
  • You can also view the shipped order from the Shipping App.
Shipping App