How to call a Webhook URL using Time Based Triggers in Orders App?

Updated on April 2, 2020 01:45AM by Admin

Orders App of Apptivo offers Time Based and Event-Based triggers. While Event-Based trigger causes an action to occur during a particular event, Time Based trigger cause an action to occur at a particular time. You can also call a Webhook URL as an action at a particular time using Orders App.

Consider calling a Webhook URL when the Order is created by Caroline Forbes on 03/30/2020 at 10 PM.

  • Go to Settings → Orders → Triggers → Time Based Triggers in the Orders App. In the Time Based trigger page, select Create to create a new trigger.

  • In the Create Trigger page, add a name for the trigger. Along with this, set the Execution Frequency for the trigger. It can be either One Time or Recurring.
Execution Frequency

One Time - Generates an action once at a particular time.

Recurring - Generates action multiple times up to the configured date.

  • Here, One Time is chosen. In the Run On section, you can set the date and time when the trigger has to be sent. The trigger is to be generated on 03/30/2020 at 10 PM.
  • Keep the Enabled toggle ON for the trigger to work.
  • Now, set the criteria during which the trigger must work. Here, the condition is to generate a trigger when the order is Created by Caroline Forbes.

  • Select the type of action that has to occur when the criteria match. Here, the action is to Call a Webhook URL.

  • In the Call a Webhook URL Side panel, add the necessary information on the application where the action has to occur.
Call a Webhook URL

Post URL: Post URL refers to the URL of the application where the action has to occur. It is the API obtained from that application. For Instance, your website application.
Object JSON: In Object JSON, you can add the name for the key/value pair.
Additional Params: Along with the params that are available in Apptivo, you can also add additional params (Attributes) along with its value that has to be displayed.
  • Once the configuration is complete, select Create to create a new trigger.
Create Trigger

  • Consider creating an Order in the Orders App by Caroline Forbes.

  • Since the criteria match, the Webhook URL will be called on 03/30/2020 at 10 PM.
Webhook Called