How to include Hashtags in emails in Apptivo?

Updated on May 7, 2020 06:55AM by Admin

When you send an email from a record in Apptivo, you can make use of the Hashtag feature or A# feature. On enabling this option, you can smoothly have the emails linked with the associated records and locate the emails efficiently.

Steps to include Hashtags in Emails

  • Consider enabling hashtags for emails in the Contacts App of Apptivo. Select the Settings option from the App Header.
Contacts App

  • Navigate to Collaboration and scroll down to the Emails section. Toggle to Include Hashtag is disabled by default.

  • Here, enable the toggle for Include Hashtag.
Hashtag Included

  • Consider sending an email from any record in the Contacts App from the Emails tab.
Compose Email

  • Select Compose to send an email. In the subject, you can see the subject has #A followed by the Contact’s unique ID.
Hashtag Subject

  • This hashtag option is a great tool to distinguish your emails based on records easily. When there are multiple records, you can easily filter out the emails associated with a particular record using this tagging feature. This applies while searching from both the Emails App and any external email provider.