How to set criteria to convert an estimate in Apptivo?

Updated on September 21, 2020 01:18AM by Admin

The Estimates App of Apptivo has an action center from where the users can configure the different activities taking place within the application. This includes the convert option. The Set Criteria feature enables the users to determine the condition during which the convert button has to appear or remain hidden in an estimate.

  • In the Estimates App of Apptivo, select Settings from the App Header.
Estimates App

  • Go to Security → Actions from the left navigation panel of the Settings page.

  • The Convert action is available in the Objects category. You can set your criteria to access the action. If the criteria match in an estimate, the action will appear.
  • Enable the toggle to set your own criteria for displaying the action.
Enabled Toggle

  • Select the set criteria button to set the condition for the convert button to be visible. Here, the condition is set to display the button only when the Status is Approved.
Set Criteria

  • On clicking update, the changes are saved.
Changes Saved

  • When the status is not approved, the convert button will not appear in the estimate.
Convert Not Visible

  • When the status is approved, the convert button will appear in the estimate.
Convert Visible