What is Service Provided Tasks in the Sales Receipts app?

Updated on December 16, 2020 03:35AM by Admin

The Sales Receipts app of Apptivo has an option to create tasks automatically when a sales receipt is created for Services. This is achieved using the Service Provided Tasks option in the Settings page of the Sales Receipts app.

Steps to enable/disable the Service Provided Tasks

  • In the Sales Receipts app of Apptivo, go to Settings → Sales Receipts → Service Provided Tasks.
  • Here, the “Allow tasks to be created as well while creating a Sales Receipt” toggle is enabled.
Sales Receipts App

  • Now, create a new sales receipt in the Sales Receipts app for Services Provided.
Create Sales Receipt

  • As the toggle is enabled, a new task is created in the Tasks tab of the sales receipt with the Task Name in the Services Provided table.
Task Created

  • When the toggle is disabled, a new task is not created when a sales receipt is created for the Services Provided.