How do I create Data Sets in the Work Orders app?

Updated on December 17, 2021 05:40AM by Admin

Data Sets in Apptivo give you the ability to create a set of data records and provide access to records to a specific employee to be accessed and worked upon.

Let us now walk through an example of the data sets function in the Work Orders App.

Configuring datasets is just a two-step process:

  • Create Data Set
  • Assign Data Set to Employees

Steps to Create Data Sets

  • Log in and access the Work Orders App.
  • Click on the More(...) icon and select Settings.
Work Orders
  • Go to Settings → Security → Data Sets and click the Create button.
Data Sets
  • The Create Data Set page will be displayed, where enter:
  • Name - Name of the data set.
  • Description - Description of the data set.
  • Enabled - Slide the toggle ON to enable the data set.
  • The Criteria is the space where you can define the condition. Here, the condition is set as “Assigned To = Sales Team”. This specifies that all Work Orders assigned to Sales Team will be grouped.
  • Click the Create button once done.
Create Data Sets
  • Similarly, you can create multiple data set as per your preferences. Once created, you can find the list of data sets as shown.

Steps to Assign Data Sets to Employees

  • Click Data Access Sets under Security.
  • Data Access Set page will be displayed in the right pane.
  • To assign data set to a particular employee, click the “Add” button.
Data Access Sets
  • A New Row will get added, and to select an employee, click the “Search” icon in the Employee Name column.
  • Employee Search and Select popup will be opened, where select the required employee and click Select.
Search and Select
  • Click on the drop-down under the Data Access column, which lists the created data sets.
  • Select the data set and to save click the Tick icon.
  • Now, the selected Data Set is Assigned to the Selected Employee.
Access Provided
  • With that, the employee will have access to the records which are added under the criteria from their login.
  • Here, the employee will have access to the work orders that are assigned to the Sales Team.