Google Maps and Apptivo CRM Integration
Integrate your Apptivo account with Google Maps to implement Geocoding and GPS facilities
within your CRM Software.
How it works
Establish a connection between Google Maps and Apptivo with API keys.
Enable the integration in desired applications.
Get started your navigation within the CRM Software.
Precise Map View
Experience extraordinary Geocoding with Google Maps integration in Apptivo with no trouble. Automatically convert the addresses in your Apptivo applications to Google Maps. Locate the desired addresses using the Map View while offering exceptional customer service.

Auto-Suggest Address
Use Google Maps to auto-suggest the address information in the address fields inside of your Apptivo apps. Be it anywhere across the globe, the Google Maps integration will automatically suggest the address information and populate it across the address fields in Apptivo to easily create and locate your customers.

Smart Views
Visualize the locations with multi color-coded pins in Google Maps depending on the highlighting feature configured in your Apptivo applications. Use filters to pin only the addresses of the required category while leaving out irrelevant locations. Assign colors to each of your reps to differentiate and identify their work orders.

Coordinated Work Orders
Locate the work orders effortlessly in the map view and utilize advanced search in map view to display only the filtered locations. The GPS facility presented within Apptivo ensures clear knowledge on work orders location to quickly dispatch resources without any delay.

Complete Mobile
The Geolocation offered by Google Maps in Apptivo mobile application guarantees swift location tracking of work orders right from where you are. Get to view your dispatch calendar for the desired time period and access the location of your work orders from your mobile device. Google Maps combined with an in-house GPS tracking feature assures top-notch accuracy with zero errors.

Precise Map View
Experience extraordinary Geocoding with Google Maps integration in Apptivo with no trouble. Automatically convert the addresses in your Apptivo applications to Google Maps. Locate the desired addresses using the Map View while offering exceptional customer service.

Auto-Suggest Address
Use Google Maps to auto-suggest the address information in the address fields inside of your Apptivo apps. Be it anywhere across the globe, the Google Maps integration will automatically suggest the address information and populate it across the address fields in Apptivo to easily create and locate your customers.
Smart Views
Visualize the locations with multi color-coded pins in Google Maps depending on the highlighting feature configured in your Apptivo applications. Use filters to pin only the addresses of the required category while leaving out irrelevant locations. Assign colors to each of your reps to differentiate and identify their work orders.

Coordinated Work Orders
Locate the work orders effortlessly in the map view and utilize advanced search in map view to display only the filtered locations. The GPS facility presented within Apptivo ensures clear knowledge on work orders location to quickly dispatch resources without any delay.
Complete Mobile
The Geolocation offered by Google Maps in Apptivo mobile application guarantees swift location tracking of work orders right from where you are. Get to view your dispatch calendar for the desired time period and access the location of your work orders from your mobile device. Google Maps combined with an in-house GPS tracking feature assures top-notch accuracy with zero errors.

Integrate with Google Maps to
Easily recognize and autofill the
correct address.
Quickly identify the customer’s address with Google’s Auto-Suggest.
Make use of the map view to locate and deliver the best service to the customers.
Streamline work orders with real-time tracking across mobile devices.
About Apptivo
Apptivo is a cloud-based CRM Software solution designed to empower businesses to provide the best user experience to their customers. Targeted to all businesses, Apptivo offers 65+ applications catering to the needs of different segments in business. With Apptivo, solve the complexities faced while managing your customer relations.
About Google Maps
Google Maps is an online mapping service developed by Google to enable users to easily track and locate the addresses. It has developed a brand of trust with its accuracy and easy accessibility of legit information. The different map views available here ensure tailor-made data access to the end-users.
Why Google Maps
Most trusted partner
High accuracy rate
Comfortable to use
Apptivo Enterprise plan
G Suite account