Difference between a Campaign and a Direct Campaign?

Updated on March 10, 2020 06:59AM by Admin

Apptivo is one of the leading platforms that is used to send Campaigns. Campaigns are of great advantage as they increase the visibility of your brand. You can also make use of Campaigns to inform about the latest products launched and also to attract more customers. Apptivo has designed two dedicated applications to deal with Campaigns. They are:

  • Campaigns App
  • Direct Campaigns App


Campaigns App in Apptivo allows you to create and send Campaigns by gathering contact information from different applications of Apptivo like Contacts App, Leads App, Customers App, Employees App, and Targets App of Apptivo.

  • You need not navigate to each app to get the contact details for sending a Campaign.
  • Instead, you can create a Target List before launching a Campaign, Then, you can proceed with the launch.

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Direct Campaign

Direct Campaigns App in Apptivo simplifies your launch by automation. The targets are decided automatically based on the pre-defined criteria. There is no requirement to add each contact information separately.

  • This App gathers the targets only from Contacts App and Emails.
  • If the records in the Contacts App or Emails match the criteria, then it gets added to the Target Lists.
Direct Campaign

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