How do I enable track inventory?

Updated on February 20, 2021 03:42AM by Admin

Track Category helps you to check for the availability of the item before shipping.

  • If the Track Inventory is set to the “No” option, you can order and ship an indefinite number of items.
  • If the Track Inventory is set to “Yes”, it will check for the availability status for an item in inventory at the time of shipping.

Steps to view track inventory

  • Log in and access Items App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  • Create a new item or select an existing item to edit information.

  • Click on the “E-commerce” tab next to the “Overview” tab, you can view the field named “Track Inventory” which is set to “No”.

  • There are two cases:
    • If the “Track Inventory” is set to the “No” option, you can order and ship a number of items.
    • If the Track Inventory is set to “Yes”, it will check for the availability status for an item in inventory at the time of shipping.

Steps to enable track inventory

  • Click on the toggle to enable the Track Inventory. Now you can view the "Track Inventory" updated in the image below:
Track Inventory

How do I Create a New Item?

You can create as many items as you need through Items App, by using Create Item --> Items App --> Create Item

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