How do I add the employee identification number of the employees while creating a lead?

Updated on May 22, 2017 12:53AM by Admin

Consider a scenario that you want to reassign a specific lead to a group of employees or to an employee when an employee who is currently handling the lead is going on a leave, promoted to another level, or even moving to another firm.

Apptivo Leads App allows you to add the identification number of employees while creating a lead by using a feature named Add New. Lets go over it quickly.

Steps to Add Number of Employees

  1. Log in and access Leads App from your universal navigation menu bar.
  2. Click on “Create” button from left navigation panel.
    Create Lead
  3. You can view "# of Employees" field in “Prospect/Customer Company Information” as shown in the image below:
    Add Employee to lead Page
  4. Click on "Add New" to create new employee from “Prospect/Customer Company Information”.
  5. Enter the following fields to add employee ranges:
    • From – Starting number of employees.
    • To – Ending number of employees.
  6. Click on “Create” button to complete.
  7. You can also view the created employees ranges through Leads App -> Settings -> Employees Range.
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