How can I insert images while sending out an email?

Updated on March 6, 2019 11:49PM by Admin

Visuals usually have a greater impact when compared to the text. You might have come across instances where you need to include a picture, logo of an image to bring a greater effect on the email. This may also include a flow diagram.

Say, for example, you are the Executive Manager of a Hospitality Industry. You need to welcome your customers. You are sending an email for the same. You can attract more tourists if you are inserting images that are included in the services you offer.

If so, here are the exact steps that you need to follow to insert images while sending out an email in Apptivo.

Steps to insert image

  • Login to your Apptivo account and select Emails from the activities floating bar.

    Activity Floating Bar

  • Click on “Compose” in the Emails.

    Compose in Email

  • Compose a Welcome email.

    Composing email

  • If you would like to insert an image, you can do the same in two ways. You can either,
    • Insert the image using the insert icon.
      • Click on the Insert icon in the compose page.

        Insert Icon

      • You will get a pop-up as Insert/Edit Image.
        • Source - Search the image and upload them.
        • Image Description - Describe the image that is inserted.
        • Image Title - Give a title that suits the image.
        • Dimensions - You can specify the image that you are inserting.

        Insert edit images

      • You can find the image inserted in the email.

        Inserted Images

      • Copy & Paste the image - You can just copy and paste the image in the body of the mail where it is necessary.

        Copy n Paste

    • You can now send the email by clicking on the “Send” button.