How to create Miscellaneous Receipts from Inventory Management App?

Updated on March 3, 2020 04:45AM by Admin

Inventory Management App in Apptivo allows you to perform multiple functions. You can also create Miscellaneous Receipts. Using Miscellaneous Receipts, you can create receipts for cash received which is not related to receivables.

  • Go to Inventory Management App. Here, select Create → Create Miscellaneous Receipt from the top left of the screen.

  • You will be redirected to the Create Miscellaneous Receipt page. Add the information related to the transaction.
Create Miscellaneous Receipt

  • In the Create Miscellaneous Receipt page, you can add the transaction date and also the Memo information.
  • You can also add the warehouse information of the Item.
  • A separate table is created for Items. You can add information related to the Item like the Item name, receiving count, zone, location, and device ID in this table.
  • Once the information is added, select Create.
  • You can see a new receipt is created for the transaction.
Receipt Created