How to capture images from the Apptivo mobile application?

Updated on December 18, 2020 04:20AM by Admin

The All-in-one mobile application of Apptivo enables businesses to easily capture images through their mobile cameras and document them in the associated records. Let’s go through the steps to capture images from the Apptivo mobile application.

Steps to capture images

  • Log into your Apptivo mobile application and select any application. Here, Cases app.
Home Page

  • In the Cases app, navigate to the overview page of any record. Select the Hamburger icon at the top right.

  • In the dropdown, select Capture Image. By doing so, you will get access to your camera and you can take images.

  • The images are uploaded to the record. Select the Overview dropdown and select Documents.
Overview Dropdown

  • You will be redirected to the Documents page. The uploaded image will be added here. You can click on it to download, delete, or email it.