How to create an email reminder for Tasks in Apptivo’s Windows app?

Updated on March 20, 2021 06:04AM by Admin

Get an email alert that can remind you about important tasks that you need to complete for your valued customers or your superiors. You can add a reminder setting inside the task’s activity and you will receive an email reminder to the assigned employee.

Steps to add Email Reminder for Task

  • Login to your Apptivo account from the Windows application.
  • Create a new task or view the existing task.

  • In the Additional Information, you can view the Remind Me hyperlink.
  • Click on the Hyperlink, you can view the drop-down with the Popup and Email option.
Add Reminder

  • Here, the Email option is selected.
  • Then, select the email reminder duration type, the reminder pop-up can have more than one form with minutes, hours, days, and/or week.
Email Option

  • You can add multiple emails and pop-up reminders as per your preferences.
Multiple Options

  • You can view the create task with the reminder email configuration as shown.
Task Created

  • You can also update the reminder settings by overviewing the tasks and using the "Pencil" mark available at the end of the reminder panel.
Edit Icon

  • Now, the Attendees and Assigned To employees will be receiving the email reminder as per your configuration.
