Apptivo Targets app focuses on your marketing efforts and allows you to launch the campaigns in bulk to the target size. Here, you can create target list, where the targets of that particular programme can be mentioned. Targets App integrates with various other apps such as Campaigns, Promotions, Leads, Opportunities, Customers and Contacts.
Target List
Firstly, you will have to create a target list into the campaign. This empowers you to dispatch the campaigns in bulk to the target size. A target list may contain the records with the combination of Leads, Contacts, Customers.
Once you launch the target list, the system will automatically send campaign emails to those targets, added in the target list.
- Create a Target List
- Create Targets in Target List
- Add Leads to Targets
- Add Contacts to Targets
- Configure Email Templates
- Renaming App
- Launch Campaign
Targets App Documentation was last modified: January 30th, 2017 by