How do I Associate Activities during Custom Conversion?

Updated on September 6, 2019 03:42AM by Admin

Once you decide to customize Conversion throughout the Apps in Apptivo, you can also associate the activities associated with them. This will enhance the experience of using Apptivo and lessen the work of associating the activities individually. You can associate Activities like Tasks, Events, Emails, Call Logs, and Notes.

For Instance: Consider that you are a Sales Manager and you want to convert a few Contacts to Customers but retain the Tasks, Events, Emails, Call Logs, and Notes associated with them. Just follow the steps given below to Associate the Activities.

Steps to Associate Activities:

  1. Login to your Apptivo Account and choose the Contacts App from universal navigation menubar.
  2. Check for any Activity in a Contact, here it is an Event.
    Events in Contacts
  3. Click on the More Options(...) and then on the Settings option.
    More Options
  4. Choose Conversion from the Contacts drop-down in the left side panel.
    Custom Conversion Option
  5. Click on Mapping next to Customers to map the fields.
    Mapping option
  6. Map the fields from Contacts to Customers.
    Mapping Fields
  7. Enable the toggle next to Tasks, Events, Emails, Call Logs, and Notes and then click on Update.
    Enable toggle
  8. Choose a Contact that you want to convert to Customer, click on the Convert in the Contact Overview page and select To Customers.
    Convert option
  9. You will re-directed to the Customer creation page populating the existing information mapped.
    Converting the Contact to Customer
  10. Fill in the other fields and click on the “Create” button.
    Creating as Customer
  11. You can find the Activities associated with the Customers from the Contacts.
    Associated Activities