How do I Export Custom table data in Apptivo Apps?

Updated on September 4, 2019 06:42AM by Admin

The Export feature in the Apptivo Apps allows you to export the records and take a backup of all data into a spreadsheet (in CSV and XLS format), in just a few simple steps.

There are three export options available using which the data can be exported:

  • All Fields - This exports all the fields in the App.
  • All Fields with Table - This exports all the fields in the App along with Custom table data.
  • Current View - This exports the fields present in the current view alone.

For instance: Consider an admin, who would like to export all the contact details(including data in the custom table) for his personal backup purpose. To do so, follow the below-given steps.

Steps to Export the Custom table data

  • Log in and access Contacts App from the universal navigation menu bar.
  • Click More(...) options -> Settings -> Customize App -> Master Layout. The custom table configured here is “Project lists”.
Master Layout

  • Click on "Show All" from the "Lists" drop-down found in the left navigation panel.
  • In the Show All page, bulk select the contacts and click on "Select all 72 objects matching".
Show all contacts

  • All the contact objects will be selected. Now, click on "Bulk Actions" -> "Export" -> ".CSV" -> "All Fields with Table" option.
Contacts Export

  • You can view the result of the exported custom table data as shown in the image below:

Contacts Exported