Out with the old, in with the new. It’s a brand new year for a complete redesign, inside and out. On March 5, we officially launched our new redesigned website. The logo got an update, the website was updated to a more sleek look, and a bunch of new documentation was added to help you navigate Apptivo easier.

New Logo

We switched our logo over against a light blue background with white text. It makes the logo look and feel a lot sleeker than the original.

new logo

Modern & Clean Design

We’ve put a ton of effort into creating a simplified site that is easy to browse through and digest content in a story to learn about what Apptivo does. But, you’ll notice we’ve kept the standard website navigation in place, so the new scroll-able web page design won’t affect your ability to quickly get to the content you want.


As a new user, you may find Apptivo a bit intimidating offering so many tools. We’ve created the starter guide just for you. This is a great introduction to Apptivo. Get started by setting up the basics for your firm such as adding employees and importing data.

For more advanced users, we’ve created the user manual. You’ll get a better understanding of Apptivo as a whole. We’ll take you through the structure of each app and how they’re similar. You’ll learn how all the apps are integrated with one another. Cater and customize Apptivo to your business needs only.

We’re working hard on more documentations for each app, so check back regularly.

What do you think of all the updates? Let us know below.

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