Every blog deserves a great title. You know they’ve got to be right to attract the audience you want.


Writing content nowadays has become more complex. It is not just the quality of the post, but also the way you present it to your audience, which profoundly depends on the title. So, follow the tips I’ve listed below which I always use to create punchy and clicky titles.

#1 Don’t Be Boring

Almost everybody just scans through the Google results or feeds, rather than reading them in detail. So, if your title isn’t catchy or snappy it is more likely to be skipped. Some might argue that it isn’t fair but that is how it is. When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

For every search, there are hundreds of blog out there. So, it is absolutely essential for your title to be the alpha one on the page. When crafting content on intricate subjects, it’s advantageous to divide them into multiple blog posts. This approach entices readers to return for more insightful information, especially when considering the art of book writing.

#2 Size Matters

For SEO and obvious reasons, it is always best to avoid writing loooong title. Ideal size for an effective title is 65 characters. Try to describe your post that intrigues readers and make sure to use them wisely.

#3 Draft Multiple Titles

Before picking the right title for your post, it is always best to have multiple titles to choose from. The more titles you come up with, gives you a chance to come up with some great suggestions. This is a great way to write titles if you have no one to review.

#4 Incorporate “Number” & “How to”

Numbers always make a headline more effective. Start your title with a number, using its digits. Note, the bigger the number, the better the title.

Helpful posts that use a ‘how-to’ title tend to gain more clicks, since the title already gives you an idea of what you are about to learn, in a clear and practical way.

#5 Ask Questions

A headline with the proper question can kindle the user’s curiosity to learn more. A question is even more effective when posted from the user’s perspective. For example, what does your customer want from your product?


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