The indication of the effectiveness of a sales team lies in their sales performance. And when the numbers begin to fail, it may just be tempting to say that they’re failing because of laxity or negligence. However, a closer look at the problem reveals that most sales teams are not structured in such a way as to encourage effectiveness and productivity.


While an efficient and well-structured sales team is essential for success in increasing sales and growing revenue, an inefficient team will merely amount to a waste of time, money and resources.

This article has been put together to provide managers, directors, salespeople, and teams with the best ways to improve sales team performance in ways that will enhance growth and set you on the path for business success. Here are a couple of ways by which you could increase your sales team’s performance and productivity.

Be aware of the time

Tracking and managing your time is very important if you want to improve the efficiency and productivity of your sales team. It becomes incipient to monitor the amount of time spent on various activities to manage it properly. As a salesperson, manager or director, there are a lot of apps that could help you get a handle on your time to show you just about how much time you spend on such activities as sending a mail or responding to an inquiry.

Automate small tasks

A lot of time could be saved when you make use of specific tools which help to automate certain frequently repeated actions. For example, you may use scheduling tools which lets you prepare tweets and post them at your own time, or setting your keyboard to remember frequently used words and to make suggestions when you’re typing.

Use sales metrics to learn and improve

Sales analytics are a great way to learn about certain aspects of your sales performance as it helps you identify critical areas of your business that need improvement. Armed with information as this, you could finally focus greater energy on the right areas to bring about the required improvement.

Get enough rest

One of the best things you can do for your health is to get regular sleep. Sufficient sleep is necessary for maintaining a healthy weight. And research has shown that there exists a link between insufficient sleep and certain rather severe health problems including but not limited to heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Simply put, sufficient rest is key to improved output.

Exercise regularly

Exercising during your work days not only gives you the very much needed mental alertness which is key to boosting productivity at work. It generally helps to improve your overall wellbeing – both mentally and physically. It will keep illnesses away and leave your brain cells intact and ready for the day’s work.



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