G Suite is an arrangement of keen applications including Gmail, Docs, Drive and Calendar to connect the people in your organization. GSuite integration with Apptivo helps you to connect all the tasks in one place and get the work done. It helps to,

  • Collaborate and communicate with your team members in a centralized place.
  • Sync your Google Contacts, Google Calendar and Google Tasks to Apptivo and share with your business users.

Apptivo offers direct integration with your G Suite account. Once your G Suite domain administrator has configured an Apptivo app, employees can navigate to Apptivo instantly while viewing their email, contacts, calendar, etc.

Before Accessing Apptivo

  • You must have an Apptivo App installed from the G Suite Marketplace. GSuite admin console asks you to grant the right to access your domain data. Click on Accept to get your Apptivo app installed.
  • Your Google Account must have proper access to this specific app.
  • You must have the proper security roles to access Apptivo.

Accessing From Google

You can access any of the enabled Apptivo Apps from your Google navigation menu on the top of the screen.

While viewing any pages within Google, click on the “Apps” icon. Click on “More” button.


Click on “More from G Suite Marketplace” button.

G Suite Marketplace

Now find the app you wish to access, and click to navigate.

Apptivo App

On accessing Apptivo from G Suite marketplace, you can have two-way contact sharing, task sync, email sync and single sign-on(Three way log in)

Accessing Apptivo With Your Google Email & Password

You can also access Apptivo directly using your Google account through our normal login page. See this link for details

Access Apptivo With Google Open ID

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