Many of our customers need to run their business 24/7, hence it is important that Apptivo be available 24/7. Even if our systems go down due to unanticipated outages or large scale disasters we should be able to recover. Apptivo does Business Continuity Planning (BCP)to ensure that our website is available to customers with minimal disruption in the event of a major disaster.

Further with the emphasis on security and confidentiality of data, it is more important than ever for Apptivo to maintain an updated Business Continuity Plan outline for delivering critical services to our customers throughout the world. Having access to Business Continuity Plan increases our ability to respond to and recover quickly from any disruption or emergency.

The annual BCP/disaster recovery drill was conducted on 7/13‐7/14, 2012. The test incorporated recovery of full Apptivo production services and client sites including database, middleware and web servers with 40 Apptivo applications fully functional from a simulated large scale disaster.

The test team consisted of seven Apptivo staff members who worked on it remotely (offsite) to perform the recovery operations. The team worked for nearly 6 hours to bring the system online and Apptivo software quality assurance testing team tested and verified the Business continuity procedures. The Business recovery plan was successful and we learned several things in the process. We plan to incorporate what we learned into our plans and continue this drill again next year.

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